I don’t know about you, but managing all my social media sites often takes more than 30 minutes a day to do it well. I wish I could cut down the time I spend on it so I can do some work!
According to Brianna Smith in a recent Social Media Today post, “It is actually possible if your daily use of social media is built upon a well-developed social media strategy.”
What’s the key?
She references an infographic developed by Matt Wesson of Pardot that focuses on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, and Instagram. The key is to focus on the top six social media channels that the majority of our customers frequent.
These wouldn’t have been my first choices for my own objectives, but maybe they’ll fit with your small business’ or nonprofit’s social media goals. If not, substitute them accordingly. Then, let me know if it’s working.
Which six social media channels would you choose?